Globally, back pain is estimated to impact over 500 million people, taking a significant toll on people’s ability to work, do the activities they enjoy, and live life to the fullest. At the Specialty Pain Management, we understand how frustrating it can be to deal with back pain, and we are dedicated to helping our Oakland County patients find effective, safe, and affordable solutions to their back pain. This includes using minimally-invasive and modern medication-free pain management treatments that provide you with back pain relief without the side effects of powerful medications or the risks of surgery. Let’s look at back pain and how the Specialty Pain Management team of back pain specialists are leading the fight against back pain in Oakland County.
Understanding Chronic Back Pain: Acute VS Chronic Back Pain
Besides the flu, back pain is the second leading cause of visits to primary care physicians, emergency rooms, and urgent care centers in the United States. While back pain is widespread, there is a difference in the types of back pain patients have. Acute back pain, for example, is classified as back pain that may persist for up to six weeks but gradually goes away, leaving patients without lasting pain. On the other hand, chronic back pain is classified as back pain that lasts longer than 12 weeks and continues even after the initial injury or medical condition has been identified and treated. While the Specialty Pain Management can help with both types of back pain, we specialize in helping patients with chronic back pain find treatment options that work to bring their pain levels under control. Let’s look at some chronic back pain-causing conditions we treat in Oakland County.
Common Causes of Chronic Back Pain
While hundreds of different medical conditions and injuries can cause chronic back pain, two of the most common conditions we treat include degenerative disc disease and herniated discs of the back. Let’s look at these conditions and the treatment options available at the Specialty Pain Management.
Herniated Disc & Back Pain Specialist in Oakland County, MI
Throughout our spine, soft jelly-like discs separate vertebrae of the spine and work as cushions to absorb shock and prevent friction. As a result of aging or traumatic injury to the back, these discs can expand out of the outer layer, leaving patients dealing with a herniated intervertebral disc. This can cause back pain and other symptoms like:
- Numbness
- Tingling
- Decreased mobility
- Muscular weakness
In many cases, herniated discs can be treated with medication-free treatment plans and minimally invasive procedures to provide adequate pain management. Specialty Pain Management and our back pain specialists can evaluate your herniated disc and recommend the most effective pain management plan for your case.
Degenerative Disc Disease & Back Pain Specialist in Oakland County, MI
While a herniated disc commonly only affects a single intervertebral disc, degenerative disc disease is a chronic condition that affects several discs in the spine. As our intervertebral discs gradually weaken with age, they can present several symptoms like back pain and:
- Stiffness of neck
- Reduced flexibility
- Trouble with balance
- Limited mobility
At the Specialty Pain Management, we work with patients with degenerative disc disease to restore their mobility and decrease pain levels as much as possible with our modern pain management treatment pathways.
Get Started Today With Help From A Back Pain Specialist in Oakland County, MI
To get started with effective, safe, and affordable back pain treatments in Oakland County, contact the Specialty Pain Management at (248) 216-1008. We proudly bring modern pain management options to our Oakland County patients.