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Sterling Heights Clinic

Specialty Pain Management in Sterling Heights – Experienced Pain Management

Specialty Pain Management – 5456 15 Mile Rd #101, Sterling Heights, MI 48310 – Call (586) 666-2407

Offering You or a loved One Advanced Pain Management

Great news for those of you suffering from chronic pain! Now, there are many options for you to choose from for faster recovery using non-surgical therapy options.  Remember, at Specialty Pain Management, you may be able to avoid using harsh pain relief treatments and prescription drugs. Additionally, for people like you who are looking to relieve chronic pain fast, Specialty Pain Management can provide a wide variety of pain management choices for these conditions:

  • Joint Cartilage Treatment and Arthritis Treatment
  • Injury Pain Treatment and Sports-Related Injury Care
  • Advanced Pain Relief Using Non-Surgical Treatments
  • Ligament Strain Treatments Along with Joint Pain Relief  
  • Spine And Neck Treatment for Pain
  • Pain Treatment After Car Accidents and Other Traumatic Injuries
  • Chronic Shoulder and Knee Pain Treatments
  • Tendonitis And Bursitis Pain Treatment
  • A Complete Range of Evidence-Based Pain Management Treatment Paths
  • Proven Treatments for Degenerative Disc Diseases   
  • and Other Modern Pain Management Treatments!

Contact the experts at Specialty Pain Management if you or a loved one needs information or treatment about our advanced range of options for treating chronic pain. Call and schedule your appointment with one of our trusted pain doctors, who can show you some of the best choices for your individual pain and chronic needs.

Getting You Back to The Activities You Used to Love

Specialty Pain Management offers you comprehensive pain management and is located at 5456 15 Mile Rd #101, Sterling Heights, MI 48310

Specialty Pain Management in Sterling Heights, MI | Call Us Today: (586) 666-2407

Clinic Hours: Monday through Friday: 9 AM – 5 PM

Specialty Pain Management’s wide variety of pain relief options are evidence-based and can be genuinely innovative. Our advanced pain management techniques are geared to optimize your body’s instinctive healing process, lessen or eliminate your chronic pain, and promote greater mobility.

Also, modern pain management technology now provides less invasive treatment options and proven alternatives for the root cause of chronic pain. Take advantage of this with Specialty Pain Management in Sterling Heights.

Using an Evidence-Based Approach to Pain Management for You or a Loved One

As you may be aware, there have been, in the past, numerous traditional pain management options for chronic pain and injury recovery after an auto accident or other trauma to the body.  

Unfortunately, these pain management treatments—like some outdated surgery techniques or even medications – may not always address the root cause of your pain. Also, they may have several unwanted side effects other clinics may not tell you. We want to avoid that and, at the same time, provide you with the latest pain management choices for your special needs.  

An Evidence-Based and Trusted Pain Management Clinic Near You  

Specialty Pain Management – 5456 15 Mile Rd #101, Sterling Heights, MI 48310
Clinic Hours: Monday through Thursday: 9 AM – 5 PM

Contact Specialty Pain Management: (586) 666-2407

Licensed and caring pain management doctors in Sterling Heights, MI; Warren, MI; Troy, MI; Fraser, MI; Utica, MI; Madison Heights, MI; and other fine Metro Detroit cities near you!