At the Specialty Pain Management, our experienced and board-certified pain relief doctors bring powerful tools to the fight against chronic pain. Unlike other pain management doctors who recommend powerful medications with powerful side effects or invasive surgeries, the Specialty Pain Management takes a minimally invasive approach to pain management. Our pain relief doctors in Rochester, MI, are skilled in interventional pain management, a modern field of medicine that seeks to treat pain at its source with safe and effective treatment options for various chronic pain cases. Whether you are dealing with sports-related injuries or complex regional pain syndrome, our pain relief doctors will work with you to build a pain management plan that is tailored to your needs and goals. Let’s look at interventional pain management and how it can be a tool for our Rochester, MI patients.
What is Interventional Pain Management
Interventional pain management is a modern and specialized field of pain management that aims to treat chronic pain at its source by understanding underlying issues that cause pain. These underlying issues can be medical conditions like arthritis, or they can be from injuries or areas of damaged tissue in the body. Interventional pain management is unique because it takes an interdisciplinary approach to pain management by combining several different tools for your treatment. These tools include:
- Specialized pain relief doctors
- Physical therapy
- Psychological support
- Minimally-invasive treatments
- Medication management
Let’s examine how interventional pain management can be applied to different types of chronic pain.
Pain Relief Doctors in Rochester, MI for Sports-Related Traumatic Injuries and Pain
Sports-related injuries and pain can become a serious issue for athletes, leading to decreased performance when it counts and pain that prevents you from competing. We treat two main types of sports-related injuries and pain at the Specialty Pain Management: traumatic injuries and overuse injuries. Traumatic injuries can include:
- Torn Ligaments
- Torn rotator cuffs
- Tendon injuries
- Meniscus tears
- Fractures and broken bones
While traumatic injuries often present intense pain shortly after they have occurred, this pain usually fades as the injury heals. In some cases, you may be left dealing with pain caused by a traumatic injury long after it has healed. The pain relief doctors at the Specialty Pain Management can help you treat chronic pain caused by a sports-related injury.
Pain Relief Doctors for Overuse Injuries in Rochester, MI
Many people who play sports or work physically demanding jobs are at risk of suffering an overuse injury. Overuse injuries can cause pain that worsens with movement, making it difficult for athletes or people with physical jobs to perform at their best. Common types of overuse injuries include:
- Tendonitis
- Stress fractures
- Plantar fasciitis
- Bursitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Overuse injuries occur when a part of the body is under stress or in high demand for long periods. Most people know two common examples: tennis elbow and runner’s knee. These overuse injuries are caused by inflammation and small tears in the body’s soft tissues, like tendons and cartilage. At the Specialty Pain Management, our pain relief doctors in Rochester, MI have the tools and expertise to help you manage the pain of an overuse injury to recover as quickly as possible.
Get Help With Athletic and Overuse Injury Pain in Rochester, MI From Experienced Pain Relief Doctors
To see a board-certified pain relief doctor in Rochester, MI, for an athletic or overuse injury, contact the Specialty Pain Management today at (248) 216-1008. Our center is conveniently located in Rochester, making world-class pain management a short drive away.